Spring Cleaning Has Arrived

After the house being closed up all winter long, I look forward when the warmth of Spring arrives. The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing and for the first time in months, you start to notice all the junk that seems to have accumulated over the winter months. How does this happen anyway?Spring Cleaning 2

With the spring cleaning season fast approaching, planning ahead is key to make tackling a deep-clean of the whole house just a little bit easier.  The first beautiful day we had, Spring fever had hit and I started making out the list of things I wanted to tackle. Some jobs were going to be very involved (like repainting a few rooms), while others I knew I could tackle in no time.  After the list was made out, the boys and I headed to Walmart to pick up the supplies we were going to need.12596207_10209387413781470_238547704_n

One of the first supplies we knew we had to have was the Viva® Vantage®. It brings to the table a scrubby texture, like a terrycloth and is great for getting stainless steel appliances, and glassware to shine.  It’s also awesome for scrubbing stove-tops, bathroom counters and so much more! We were a tad excited to find a coupon on the Viva® Vantage® paper towels! DSC_0221Of course we had to grab the Viva® Towels as well. This is a product that is always found at our home.  I love the soft and smooth texture and it’s perfect for cleaning surfaces like counter tops, coffee tables, and even the boy’s little dirty hands and faces.

After we grabbed all our towels, we then headed down the other aisle to stock up on toilet paper.  The boys love keeping Cottonelle® in their bathroom, and I can’t really blame them.  It is the only brand that has CleanRipple texture.  I, on the other hand, always keep Scott® in my bathroom.   I grew up with my mom buying Scott® and it’s just something I have always purchased myself. It’s hard to beat the quality that Scott®1000 brings.cottonelle

Although it has been a very rainy day, my boys have been counting down to Spring cleaning.  The minute we came through the door, I was being rushed to get everything ready that they knew they would be able to help with.


For the most part, we make our own cleaners, so I already had their’s ready for them to begin. They each grabbed a bottle  of vinegar and water that I always keep mixed up and the Viva® Vantage® paper towels and got started. Their job is always to wipe down the window sills, baseboard, walls and light switches that have collected dirt and grime all winter long.


The first on my list this year was to take off the shower doors and scrub the tracks of those. It drives me nuts that I can’t get to them with the doors on, and I am bad to procrastinate when it comes to taking off shower doors.  I tried to pretend I was clueless so the husband would do this part, but he didn’t buy it.  Pretty sure he knew that I would quickly wonder off and leave him the grossness that awaited. Obviously I forgot to take pictures, but it was pretty gross (trust me, you probably wouldn’t want to see it).

For cleaning this, I used my trusted vinegar and water with a little lemon essential oil, grabbed my Viva® Vantage® and went to work. It wasn’t a quick task, but goodness it was very rewarding. As always, Viva® Vantage® held up to the job and didn’t disappoint at all.  At the end of scrubbing two doors, I had only used two towels.

Since I was on the task of cleaning tracks, I headed to the windows to take a peak. We haven’t raised the blinds or opened windows since winter arrived and let’s just say that it wasn’t pleasant what I found. No worries..just for you I made sure to take a picture. Not gonna lie…it looks gross.

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Here are the steps I used for cleaning our window sills and tracks:

1. A vacuum with a hose attachment: This worked wonders and I used it more than once.  I first used it to vacuum out the track and around the sill so i could begin cleaning.

2. Once it was all vacuumed out, I grabbed my cleaner.  Once again, I used  a mixture of vinegar, water and a little lemon essential oil. I sprayed this mixture all along the crevices and the track.

3. After I let it set for just a second, I then grabbed the Viva® Vantage® and cotton swabs (to get in the cracks) and started cleaning. We have double hung windows, so I made sure to raise and lower the sash to get the entire area, which basically means you are cleaning the window twice.  All the grime that was on the inside of the window, ended up falling on the super clean track for me to clean again.  However, the end product was sparkling clean.DSC_0245

4. Now if you are like me and you have the tracks all shiny and clean, this isn’t a task you want to do every week to all the windows. I seriously couldn’t imagine the time it would take to do this weekly.  One trick that my aunt told me (she cleans homes professionally) was to use a coat of floor wax to help repel debris build-up. This was a neat tip and one I’m going to be trying.  No worries, I’ll update you to let you know how it worked for me.

Now that the windows are all clean, it’s time to get started with the next task. If you have any Spring cleaning tips or tricks, I would love to hear about them.

Don’t forget you can find great deals on all Viva, Cottonelle and Scott products  at your local Walmart.To learn more about the brands I’ve mentioned above, be sure to check them out on Social Media:

Kimberly-Clark Family Care Walmart Website

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